Consulting offers
Presence and Online Coaching & Consultation
Individual Coaching
Do you want to develop professionally or privately and are seeking support? Do you want to take meaningful decisions for yourself or are planning change?
Do you want to stand in your leadership-power and work on eye level with your team? This is both possible and powerful.
We all strive to work in high-performance teams. According to Losada and Heaphy (2004)*, the communicative competencies are vital for high-performance teams (and not only task-orientation).
We live in a time of rapid changes and high complexity. What do enterprises do to remain sustainable on a global market?
Voices & References
Training Offers
Presence and Online Training
Agile Leadership
The influence of charismatic heroes landmarks history. In our time, we need people who are authentic and understand leadership as enabling others to successfully get their job done. But there is more to it.
We invite you to activate your optimal access to your own strengths and competencies through your body. Being in ever more complex working contexts, we prime a connection to your body-wisdom - the intuition.
Agile Culture
New Work and Agile Culture have become attractive for many. In his inspiring book Reinventing Organizations‘, Frederic Laloux described some very successful organisations living a completely new organisational paradigm, which are termed Teal, Integral or Agile.
Leading Conversation
Successful leadership, team work and customer relations all depend on a sound communication. What does it take in order to talk to each other in a clear, appreciative and solution-focused manner?
Health & Self-Leadership
Our health cannot be separated from our psyche. Inner instinctive processes mainly determine how a person sees the world and acts in it.
Collegial Leadership
Agile organisation development is a pathway into more innovative, flexible teams and organisations, closer relationships to clients and faster adaptiveness to changes.
Change Management
Even if change is the only constant in our lives, we sometimes face the task of initiating and implementing change.
Learn more about my person
Dr. Schirin Groß-Yachkaschi

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