“Mind and world are not separate. Since the subjective and objective aspects of experience arise together as different poles of the same act of cognition (are part of the same informational field) they are already joined at inception.”
We would like to say something about our philosophy here, our world view. As this obviously influences the way we work, what our theory of change is, etc. Therefore, some basic thoughts:
People and organisations are complex, living systems.
We understand development and learning as inherent processes, which we can support in others, but not direct.
The best solutions will come from the person or organizational system themselves – we can only support like midwifes.
There is always a moment of readiness for the next development step – the grass will not grow faster when we pull it.
We work in a process-oriented manner, as ready-made solutions will hardly be relevant to you. Therefore, we are flexible and spontaneously respond to customer needs.
We believe in coherence: we need to practice what we preach.
We support where it is helpful – and let the organisation work on things that can be done internally. We don’t try to sell extra days.
The future success of an organisation is closely related to a constructive and appreciative collaboration with colleagues as well as external stakeholders.
This also entails a conscious orientation towards future sustainability, which means that organisational success needs to go hand in hand with a responsible attitude towards society and our natural environment.
We are members of and have undersigned the Economy of the Common Good; as well as the statement of Entrepreneurs For Future.
We keep our integrity and work according to our principles. If this matches your values, we are happy to work with you.