Agile Culture
“New Work is not a toolbox, but a new world view!”
New Work and Agile Culture have become attractive for many. In his inspiring book Reinventing Organizations‘, Frederic Laloux described some very successful organisations living a completely new organisational paradigm, which are termed Teal, Integral or Agile. We believe that this is a signpost for new, more up-to-date ways of organising.
Yet, not all seem to succeed in it, despite the increasing literature and practical examples. Agility is a world view and not a set of methods and processes. In this seminar, we would like to explore your readiness. You will reflect your lived values and culture in the organization, to decide, which next development steps may be needed. In our view it is not sufficient to change structures and processes towards agility, if the inner attitudes and values have not changed and the organization is still living the old paradigm. Inner alignment is an essential precondition:
You reflect on your organisational values and culture with an evolutionary value development model.
You identify next development steps for your organisation.
You test the readiness for change within the organisation/management.
You decide on your current development goal and prepare for change.
Format: 1 day plus 1 follow-up day or 3x 4 hours online Training.
Who can most benefit: In-house for board, managing directors, leadership and staff. This seminar needs the willingness of the top leadership to explore the topic.